MTG - Aether Revolt Booster

MTG - Aether Revolt Booster

€6,50 €0 Promoção Poupe

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  • "The Kaladesh Inventors' Fair, a celebration of innovation and ingenuity, was a ruse. A revolt takes place on Kaladesh. The renegades have seized control of large portions of Ghirapur...
  • In the follow-up to Kaladesh, "It's Time to Take the Power Back" with Aether Revolt. Ingenuity will only get you so far when the revolt comes!
  • Each booster box is brand new factory sealed and contains 36 booster packs, each pack contains 15 random cards from the Aether Revolt set
  • Booster packs are a great to way get extra cards to boost your current deck or build whole new decks!
  • Also look for randomly inserted very-rare cards from the 'Kaladesh Inventors' set, these super-powered artifacts have a very low print run and are randomly inserted in some Aether Revolt packs!