Heavy Gear Blitz! - Caprice Army Box

Heavy Gear Blitz! - Caprice Army Box

€71,49 Promoção Poupe

Apenas 1 em stock

Caprice Plastic Miniatures Army includes 10 plastic miniatures with lots of extra weapons and parts on the sprues. Current plastic sprues are grey in color so the details show better, our first release used a black plastic which was hard to see the details before priming. Painting and Assembly Required, decals not included. Plastics Made in the USA and Packaged in Canada.

Caprice Army Box Includes:

5 x Acco Mount plastic sprue
5 x Mounts A plastic sprue (Includes the bodies and weapons to make Bashan, Aphek, Kadesh, or Meggido Mounts)
5 x Mounts B plastic sprue (Includes the 4 legs and hip part used by the Bashan, Aphek, Kadesh, Meggido, or Ammon Mounts, as well as the jumpjet parts for the Kadesh and Meggido Mounts)
5 x Ammon A plastic sprue (Includes the body and weapons to make the Ammon Mount)