Infinity - Raveneye Officer

Infinity - Raveneye Officer

€11,96 €14,95 Promoção Poupe

Apenas 1 em stock

Being a law enforcement agency, SWORDFOR knows that the key to maintaining order and ensuring the protection of citizensand innocents is vigilance. Since Concilium Prima is a target of high strategicvalue, as well as the headquarters of Bureau Aegis, SWORDFOR is stronglycommitted to its security. To this end, it developed an “Eye in the Sky” typesecret monitoring program, and its primary platform was the Raveneye OrbitalComplex.

This box includes one miniature of aRaveneye Officer with a Submachine Gun. The regular version of the exclusiveminiature of the Infinity Raveneye book pre-order, and a great addition to yourO-12 force from your O-12 Action Pack (REF: 282005-0826).


Data de Lançamento: 31 de outubro, 2024