Vampire: The Eternal Struggle - New Blood Deck Malkavian - EN

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle - New Blood Deck Malkavian - EN

€12,00 Promoção Poupe

Apenas 1 em stock

New Blood is a collection of five 55-card preconstructed decks for introductory games of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. These decks are simpler than tournament level decks, but showcase all the basic mechanics of the game. They are balanced, for a fun and exciting first try of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. Some of the cards included are reprints and some are new for this set, all ready to mix with cards from other sets.

Clan Malkavian are seers and lunatics both – eerie oracles of vampire society. While plagued by afflictions of the mind, they are gifted with supernatural insight. This deck is a toolbox that mixes bleeding and political actions, focused on dealing direct damage against enemy Methuselahs. Its vampires forsake combat skills for stealth and cunning.